Anyways, on to the photos. Pardon the large amount of photos! Hard to narrow down ;d

Some may say I overuse this pose too much, but I think it's really pretty!

I love it when hair swooshes. Until I can afford a portable, personal wind machine, I'll improvise!

This was near the duck pond. The willow tree was so beautiful, I couldn't pass it up!

Outfit change! Devyn had this super cool fascinator, and we found this cool wall (near the tennis courts).


Ah! I love this. The attitude. And how Devyn actually climbed the fence! :D I was super impressed!

Outfit change again! (Well, minor change...) I still think Ralph Lauren should buy this photo off of me and use it in their ad campaign. [The sweater/beret are both RL] Devyn really rocked this one. AND this is when the sun started to poke its head out of the clouds. Looove.

Yep. Devyn really worked this. We made tennis so stylish!

Personal favourite. (Difficult to choose, but I narrowed it down..)
It was great, and I'm super grateful for the sun that came out at the end! Hooray. Thanks Devyn, for workin' it. GORGEOUS.
P.S. Ralph Lauren, I'd be eternally grateful if you bought those photos off of me ;D Or fly me to NY to photoshoot any future campaigns. Thanks!
Love 4 & 5! She's brilliant in front of the camera, but not without you clean compositions. Very good indeed.