:/ All these images are BACKWARDS (from the order that I uploaded them in). Sorry about that. Haha. The beginning of the day is actually at the end of this post. [still haven't quite figured out how to upload properly right in Blogspot...]

The lovely bouquet!

We did some standard posing, but I thought the owl eyes would be pretty sweet...

The rings. <3 (on a park bench, no less!)

This is when we heard music being played, and they both started swaying to it.

Katie's dress had a GORGEOUS back!

I think I love this shot. The light is PERFECT, and the bokeh is just LOVE LOVE LOVE.

The car ride from the ceremony to the park :)

Haha, Katie's siblings decided to pull funny faces for this hilarious photo!

The very delicious cake! The top/bottom tiers were mocha flavoured, and the middle layer was lemony.

Katie's sister lacing her up.

Katie looking at her dress in the yard.

A really old pearl necklace. I believe it was Katie's family friend's grandmother's... (or something like that...)

Shoes! Hanging out on a window sill.

Katie's sister getting read in the morning.
Like I said, the photos are in the complete OPPOSITE order. Oops. :/ But I had a BLAST that day. Thanks again for letting me be a part of your lovely wedding- Katie and Carlos!